Lisboa Startups List

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Meet 8 frontend developer View everyone

ID 262180

Rafael Albuquerque

Open-source advocate. Doing backend and frontend development for a living. Diving into mobile development as soon as possible.

ID 885291

Filipe Silva

Computer Science Degree, 4 Years exeperience in Corporate Database oriented Application development

ID 430645

Vasco Gaspar

UX Designer, Visual Designer, Front-End Developer, Death Metal Drummer, Aspiring Goalkeeper, Cat Lover

ID 389821

Guilherme Corte-Real

Young, creative and motivated.

ID 832195

Ines Levezinho

Graduating this semester in electronic and computer engineering. Seeking an entry job as a web developer.

ID 236196

Pedro Afonso

Independent Consultant / Node.js & AngularJS FullStack Engineer

ID 784434

Diogo Silva

ID 382044

Paulo Gonçalves

Worked at @novabase, @collab • Studied at @instituto-superior-tecnico, @aalborg-university

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);