Lisboa Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Lisboa.

Meet 11 CEO View everyone

ID 445450

Ricardo Sousa

Founder & CEO @clientplus + Founder & Chairman @colorelephant // Worked with/for @microsoft @wooga @6wunderkinder @evernote ...

ID 383078

Jose Jacinto

Worked at major mobile telecom companies.Developed business critical software in telecom industries.System administrator in several telecom platform deployments

ID 383427

Diogo Ortega

CEO and Founder of @pharmassistant

ID 581800

Ihor Pidruchny

I am software development manager, angel, CEO, mentor, inspirer and pusher in Ukraine, the next big entrepreneurial Klondike.

ID 669101

John Babo

Founder HDF CONCEPT, @homerent • Worked at @throttleman • Studied at @master-in-interior-architecture

ID 12144

Jeremy Melul

Founder & CEO @jogabo. Product guy, @stanford ME & Design. Ex @startupchile and @grassroot-soccer. Glomad passionate about Soccer, Kitesurfing & Land Rovers

ID 187643

João Pina Souza

Executive Manager | Senior IT | MBA | Founder @shipizy

ID 382498

Jose Supico

Mad villain. Democratising finance. Product design & strategy. Learning from customers every single day. I ride waves in my spare time.

ID 57114

Andrew Hughes

Passionate start-up CEO, multiple exits, industry association founder, mentor, public speaker, writer, cook and dad

ID 101923

Pedro Coutinho

CEO & Founder @meethub, @waterdog-mobile • Worked at @german-aerospace-centre, @gmv-s-a • Studied at @chalmers-institute-of-technology

ID 426678

Anette Nordvall

Partner Stockholms Business Angels, CEO Programmera MGM, Partner, Owner STEAM Consulting Creative SALES Strategist and Business Innovator ICT

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