Lisboa Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Lisboa.

Meet 8 business development View everyone

ID 256243

Thiago Capelo

Founder @cacho-la • Studied at @pontifical-catholic-university-of-sao-paulo, @university-of-sao-paulo

ID 752532

Hugo Felício

I'm one of 5 Entrepreneurs that believe that old and mass business can be refresh and innovative again! This is my first start-up yet and will make it succeed.

ID 833742

Nuno Pacheco

Founder linkedcare • Worked at @juniper-networks, @ericsson • Studied at @massachusetts-institute-of-technology, @universidade-catolica-portuguesa

ID 426678

Anette Nordvall

Partner Stockholms Business Angels, CEO Programmera MGM, Partner, Owner STEAM Consulting Creative SALES Strategist and Business Innovator ICT

ID 221448

Lasse Nørby Rasmussen

Helping corporations innovate

ID 171729

Pedro Sampaio

HOM @radlegacy-1. Digital and social media freak. Amateur lomographer and guitar player. Work in content marketing for #startups. Passionate about writing.

ID 383078

Jose Jacinto

Worked at major mobile telecom companies.Developed business critical software in telecom industries.System administrator in several telecom platform deployments

ID 633452

Carlos Boto

Works in Engineering System in several academic institutions around the world. Co-founded doDOC, where he currently is Managing Partner

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